#Beware of these people.
Frances Hunter (how God has used her and Charles her husband to heal thousands), shared one of her experiences with one of these people,
“Not too long ago, the Spirit of God told me that there 
was a man in our service who had very severe emphysema, and that he was going to die if God’s 
healing touch was not on him. Although I announced
this, the man did not come forward for laying on of 
As Charles and I were leaving the service, I said to him, “May I pray for you?” He said, “No, I am doing my own thing with God. If God wants to do it, he will do it!”
Well, do you lay hands on someone like that? No, 
because it would not do any good if you did. 
That is the same kind of individual who would say, “I am notgoing to pray the sinner’s prayer, because if God wants to save me, let him save me!” 
He would never get saved, would he?”‘
That was Frances’ experience with these people.
Another story of these people:
Benson Idahosa ones prayed for several people on wheel chair in a foreign country, and they all got healed. But one went back to the wheel chair.
When asked why, he said, “The government will stop paying me the palliative (or allowance) for the crippled”.
Not everyone wants help!
This understanding will save your time.
Jesus asked a man a simple but necessary question, “Do you want to be made well?”
The sick man answered Him, “Sir, I have no man to put me into the pool when the water…”
What do you want?
Swimming or healing?
That he is in need does not mean he wants help.
A lot just want concerns.
Just being issues of concern.
What do you want?
Complain or change?
Help or hunger?
Do you love the idea of appearing “hungry for God” or experiencing God for real?
An award for being the most hungry, or really being filled?
Change or knowledge?
Gathering of ideas or working?
Result or appearing serious?
Interest in wealth, or ready to get out of poverty?
Complaining about stingy uncle’s or helping them?
Is there an award for being in need?
Not everyone wants help!
You may not value this until you have come across time wasters, who keep you sharing ways forward only to keep coming for more ideas, keeping you in a cycle of unending wishes.
Pity party or help?
I have had people who tell me they are too busy to learn, but would want to share their issues with you; expecting help.
Mike Murdock shared how he would not want to help a man that has no interest in his wisdom.
I have heard something like that from Sam Adeyemi.
Murdock would rather keep you watching his teachings for sometime before meeting you…
These men were pushed to the wall by these people.
You don’t have patience to read my books or listen to my teachings, but wants mentorship?
Who or what do you want?
A mentor or a torment?
What do you want?
The pain of regrets or of discipline.
Pity party or change?
Attitude of a seeker, or a receiver.
Do you prefer praying than to receive?
Haven’t you seen prayer warriors who are not making progress before?
Many just love the idea of praying, than to live out their desires.
Many prefer dreaming to waking up to confront the cost of their ambition.
Some would rather pile up deep mysteries they don’t understand, than accept “simple wisdom” that will turn their lives around.
Just to make their situation mysterious, “you won’t understand syndrome”.
It’s a symtom of laziness!
Deep but shallow!
Wake up!
Is it mystery of salvation or simple confession of the Lordship of Jesus and be saved?
Wake up!
Personally, I don’t enjoy someone who just like the idea of pain and frustration.
Who would spend the whole day sharing plights, but lack the patience to listen to ways forward, or would argue it, and eventually have the situation remain – the evil of unteachability.
Would prefer setting up committees to discuss the problem than to solve it.
E.g, Leaders coming late to church, but would organize committee to discuss how to stop members from coming late, or pray that the angels will hasten their steps.
I pray to God not to let me be a part of such committee, or prayer unit.
I pray to Him to order my steps.
Such would prefer gathering the whole church leaders, then family elders to discuss the family issues when attitude could have solved them in minutes.
What do you want?
Award for winning cases, or peace!
Is it gathering tips on finding who to marry forever, or marrying who God has provided?
When will you marry; if you are ready?
Or you just like the idea of break up?
Is it just listening to wisdom or working?
Is it moving about from one man of God to another to lay hands on your head for higher grace, or sitting down and build your ministry?
Making proof of your calling or seeking “special mountains for special prayer?”
Seeking grace you may not use (because of laziness).
As if you don’t know that true grace means labour.
(Check 1 Cor. 15:10)
Stop disturbing fathers with your laziness, packaged in hunger for more; pseudo-hunger.
Read my Book on The Arts of Mentorship and Discipleship; you will see what A mentor Cannot Do For You.
What do you want?
Always seeking advise, or change?
What do you want?
Pain or help?
You don’t have to bother responding,
You could just read and move on,
But take stocks of your life.
© Steve Onaji || Stones of Wisdom
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