So today on my visit to a particular community in Yagba land, i saw a mad lady with nose mask which actually catched my attention in her using the preventive/safety facility against the deadly infectious covid-19’s transmission !
So i tried to get her attention and spoke to her in Yagba dialect nativically, my question to her was why did you covered your nose and mouth and she replied me that, coro has not get to kogi and but she need to protect herself as she is on the front banner to contact it, in my mind immediately was who educate/enlight this Lady on this to the point of serious prevention as regard her condition that’s abnormal, though she told me in our conversation that she got to know this through regular community town cryer sponsored by their traditional institution who always be at the junction close to where she stay talking preventive of washing hands with sanitizer, maintaining of social distance and covering of nose/face always as early as 5:30am last month !
My main point here is that how did she get this nose/face mask, it revealed to me in our conversation that she bought it #100, then from who ? She said they are tailor mandated by the community ( traditional institution ) to make it available !
Honestly, i want appreciate the level of awareness on covid-19 in Yagba land transmitted by those local government SSAs security to the governor, i went further technically to know what actually triggered the Obas to go to this point of education and Enlightenment on covid-19 and facts shows that its a joint efforts, wow i love that !
If we have this productiveness in all the local government in kogi state by God’s grace we may finally record no case of uncle coro honestly !
Kudos to the Ade’oris ( Obas ) in Yagba land, your crown will keep to you all for years sir, iru’kere apee’lowo sir !
Back to my friend, we talked comprehensively and i discovered she listen attentively to those announcement even with her condition, though my wallet got empty just for me to satisfied myself on my unplanned mission on her, she didn’t allowed me to take picture with her !
Painfully, the palmwin i am go for originally got finished before my arrival as a result of my much time consumed by case study, haaaaa but…
If a mad person could be careful to this point, how much more of us that read daily on android phone and still not observed precautions on covid-19 ???
Stay at home, please maintain social distance, cover up your nose/face always at the public space, Wash your hand regularly with an alcoholic sanitizer and eat good fruits to boost/increase your immune system !
Surely, kogi will be free of covid-19 to the end by God’s grace !
~ OGL, on the soil of his native today !!!!
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