I am sharing my story firstly to testify to the goodness of God and also to lend my voice to the numerous ongoing covid-19 campaigns.
About 2 weeks ago I developed high fever, severe headache and body pains, I thought it was malaria being that I had just come in from Nigeria so I started treating malaria but 3 days later my health got worse, I lost my appetite and became very weak. I couldn’t even sit up let alone stand or walk. 

At this point I was thinking hope this is not covid 19 understanding that the UK was a high burden zone, but as I wasn’t coughing at the time, I tried to convince myself it was probably a bacterial infection so I started taking antibiotics, along with paracetamol and a lot of water but still no improvement then I certainly knew I needed help. 
We called the ambulance consistently for 3 days but there was no response and even the times they responded, they said they were very busy and could not come. On the third day, they finally showed up, but at this moment, I was already battling for my life, I could no longer breathe properly, I was gasping for breath. Just before the doctors arrived that day I collapsed, I was literally gone. My friends had to perform CPR on me to resuscitate me. 
When the paramedics finally came, they confirmed it was covid 19 but that they couldn’t take me to the hospital because all the hospitals were filled up and the NHS was overly overwhelmed, they said even if they took me to the hospital, I would most likely get worse because of the conditions there so they recommended I stayed at home and fight for my life. 
After they left, I started having suicidal thoughts, nothing mattered anymore. I got even worse, cough started along with severe diarrhea, my skin began to peel too. Something just had to be done, with the help of many, we found a private hospital after days of search where I was stabilized for days. 
On returning home after testing negative. I looked at myself in the mirror and couldn’t believe my eyes, I had lost so much weight, I started crying because I had thought that was the end for me but God gave me my life back.

With prayers, support of family and friends and home remedies like steam inhalation with vaporub and olbas oil, drinking of warm fluids with lemon/lime, ginger and honey, I fought covid 19 and won. I went to heaven and back. This is not an experience I wish for anyone, no one at all. 
I told God I’d testify of his goodness if He gave me another opportunity and that is why I am here sharing my testimony. Please guys, abide by all the health guidelines for covid 19 so you don’t get infected, I am another living testimony that you can recover from covid 19 but dear brothers and sisters, prevention truly is better than cure.
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