Navy arrests 12 in Ebonyi over missing officer

Edward Nnachi, Abakaliki

Men of the Nigerian Navy from the Eastern Naval Command, Calabar, Cross River State, on Tuesday arrested 12 residents of the Ohaukwu Local Government Area of Ebonyi State in connection with the missing of a naval officer in the area.

Recall that about a month ago, a naval officer who reportedly missed his way, was said to have disappeared in Eguorie village in Umuogodoakpu-Ngbo community in the LGA.

Governor David Umahi had given security agencies in the state seven days to produce the missing officer dead.

The people of Ngbo in Ebonyi State and their neighboring Agila community in Benue State had been enmeshed in a protracted boundary crisis that had claimed many lives.

It was gathered that the naval operatives invaded the Ohaukwu council secretariat on Tuesday where the residents were having a security meeting and whisked away 12 of them.

When contacted, the council boss, Mr Odah, queried the interest of our correspondent on the issue.

He said, “You should go and look for work. Stop following people around. Go and write a book. What is your business with the people arrested?”


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