Babatunde Irukera distributes  Food Items round Kogi State
In times like this, where the world is battling with the pandemic, Economic meltdown, Hunger etc the reality for us as a people is partly not about the virus but how we’d survive the tragedy knowing fully well the State of the whole world (#Lockdown, to survive now is just at the Mercy of the most high and possibly loved ones/ strangers  with a heart of gold…..

All we preach right now is love and for us all to stand firm together apart and one of the ways is looking out for one another in every little way we can, we need each other….
At this point where we’re unsure of what tommorrow holds, we as a people have continually prayed for #HELP and answers have dropped with the call of an extraordinary  human, Babatunde Irukera

I don’t really like to talk much because his actions speaks more and the people knows he is that kind of leader that is passionate about the people and at the same time loves the people no matter the tribal, religious and political differences, these food items is a big deal for me because the people really need help at this time and it’s only a sensitive leader that’d do this, and am always thankful to God in his life for such an insight at this critical time….
Barrister Babatunde Irukera is that leader that loves the people more than himself and it’s such a big testimony, my prayers are with him and his family, God’s blessings always (Amen)
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