Be At Peace!

As the waves rose, it lifted them high into the sky and at a speed of light drops them back into the dark sea, it goes up again, this time higher and it drops even faster, this goes on and on like it will never end. As the boat summersaults up and down in the turmoil of the storm, unsure if anyone would make it out alive, with all the screams and shouts of fear and panic, there was one who was deeply asleep. Isn’t that shocking!
The peace we have the world didn’t give it to us and the world can’t take it away. That was the posture of Jesus as He slept in the boat that was about to capsize.
That should be our posture in the midst of the storm of covid-19 and all its accompanying lockdown, breakdown, setback, uncertainties, fear and panic. 
Our peace should be rooted in the truth that The One who created the earth and at whose command all things exist is working for our good and He is too faithful to fail. Whatever happens Jesus knew drowning was not an option. Storms can shake us but it can’t crush us, it will make us feel alone but we are not abandoned, it may even bring us sorrow but joy will surely come in the morning. So be still and be at peace.
Work to improve yourself from home but don’t forget to have fun, eat, sleep and be at peace. This too shall pass.

Happy New Month. Have a peaceful April! #PeaceTalkwithMercy #BeAtPeace #WeAreOne #StaySafe #StayInFaith
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