“Apocalypse” is a word used by a managing director of a multi-national airline company this week, while lamenting over lack of passengers in their planes, just cargoes, because of Coronavirus plague.
Our world is becoming conscious of the eschatological side of our existence.
Presidents, Kings and Rulers are getting to know the extent of their powers.
– Is the world coming to an end?
– Are these signs of end time?
– When is the end of time?
– Could it be Satan?
– Or men, like scientists?
– Or God?
– How do you know when rapture will take place?
These are questions craving for answers.
But proper understanding of the history of the future will help you know how to live today.
Whatever is happening has happened, only bringing all of us to what will happen!
Even the Doom’s day clock, climatic change, outbreak of deadly viruses, wars and affiliations of nations, even AI (artificial intelligence) all lead to one destiny.
These are signs, but more than signs!
Just the beginning, of the end!
Signs are signs of God’s mercy.
We will dig into what’s going on in our world through the lens of the spirit of Prophecy, Apocalyptic and eschatological revelations through scriptures, even modern history and others…
And how to live in such a day as these.
What’s our hope?
What next?
It will be a deep teaching on THE BEGINNING OF THE END!
On Sunday!
29th March 2020.
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