With this shutdown order in Nigeria is prepare, neighbors will come knocking on your door to beg for food. Please, give if you have no matter how little and if you don’t have, talk to them with respect and show love. Don’t be the reason why anybody will consider or attempt suicide. Depression is real.

And in some cases, some people won’t ask despite not having. It’s not pride, they only find it difficult to ask. If you have people like these around you, please extend your hands of help to them.
They’re people who daily meals depend on their daily hustle, it’ll be difficult for people in this category to cope in this situation. I’ve them around me, I’m feeling their pains already. This is not the period to be hard on people. Give as much as you can do and don’t forget yourself in the process as well. God will heal our land and see us through this period.
Signed : Queen Victoria omolara ( Miss culture Kogi State)
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