#A full epistle
#Read carefully
#And read again
No matter the volume of alcohol the Devil takes, God is still the most high!
While preparing for the message for Sunday’s Wordfeast (15th of March), the Lord “intercepted” my plan with a strange topic, WHY BAD THINGS HAPPEN TO CHRISTIANS.
It was a strange message!
Then on Sunday (22nd of March), came the passing on of our own sister Kenny to glory.
No wonder the Lord prepared us on how to approach bad things, even the death of the righteous a week before!
The event reminded us of what the Lord revealed to us on 27th of December 2019, while on our mount of Transfiguration praying.
He revealed to us that the unexpected will happen in 2020, tough things.
With an instruction for a “Goshen Experience.”
In November 2019, prior to TheEncounter, in the dream of the night, the Lord gave a song, “Efohimini, Efechubi, Ojodudabuwe no”
An Igala song meaning, in ocean, and in darkness, there’s no God like you.
With a theme: The True Essence of Life.
I confessed to brethren that I didn’t know what the song was all about, but events started clarifying them.
Experiences confirming the revelations.
Whether in ocean or in darkness, there’s no one like God!
He is the most high!
(The link for the message)
The Lord revealed to us that unexpected things can happen to a believer, for certain reasons.
We must not fall into “hyper faith” error, the “nothing de happen spirit”.
Faith is not absence of facts, but dominion over facts.
Faith is not denail nor fantasy over facts, it’s dominion.
Our faith is not a product of reason, but our reason is a product of faith.
We have seen sicknesses in households of those who preach faith.
We have seen the death of those who preach immortality.
Kenneth Hagin said, he has seen alot of those who taught that doctrine die.
Don’t you dare forget the earthen vessel!
We have seen marriages of those who do not believe in “for better for worse” chatter.
We have seen the passing on generals in faith, even at early age.
And what shall I more say? for time would fail me to tell of Jesus, Elisha, David, Oral Roberts, Idahosa, Munroe, Bonnke, even those still with us such as Swarggart, Ravi, Morris and more.
Some died early, some fell sick, even some battled with the flesh at a point.
But let the Lord judge who really died “early”.
Let Him judge the unexplainable “whys”.
Even when God things happen, God remains the most high!
Even the death of the one that wrote, “I shall not die, but live,
And declare the works of the Lord.”
He died at 70, not even up to 120.
Those with all the money and power are testing positive to deadly infection, just like the poor, e.g Corona virus.
Even the throne is no more safe!
But, after all God is still glorified!
New has it that in US, Bible section is now emptied at Walmart as people are now shopping for the Bible, including Atheists!
God is still the most high!
Don’t dare think He is behind evil!
He is a good God!
But He is in charge of the universe.
The earth is the LORD’s, and the fullness there of!
Stay protected!
Physically and Spiritually!
Bad things happen!
We must not be careless about our lives!
People really die, even at any age!
Don’t live carelessly!
Live like it’s the last days (of course, it is)
Your revelations may be genuine and accurate, but you must not forget that we are dealing with a double edged sword – Word. Focus on one area without consciousness of the other can get you hurt.
Balance is power!
Some reasons why bad things happen to Christians;
One, Satan is still on earth. 
And Christians are on earth, though not of this earth.
We are on a battle ground!
Although, we sit in heavenly places far above principalities and powers, but at the same time wrestle against principalities and power!
We are in where we are not of.
It can be complicated at times.
Another reason is human decisions.
What man uses his free will to attract.
We saw the limitations of the Omni-ness of God.
Another is Association.
When you fulfill a corporate destiny.
Suffering over what’s not your lot.
Paying for another man’s death or carelessness.
E.g, travelling in a car of a careless driver or one marked for death.
But may the Lord deliver us from evil!
And other, out of the seven reasons is Divine Permission.
There are things God permits within the jurisdiction of His soveringty and supremacy.
In the real school of faith, you will learn that the will of God supersedes even our faith.
Now See,
Satan is wicked, Judas was greedy, their natures blended and aligned together to kill Jesus.
But after all, the death of Jesus made salvation available to all, and bringing many to glory.
After all, God is glorified!
Pharaoh chased the children of Israel, even into the red Sea, they had no option than to move on, but after all, the sea parted, then crossing the sea became their baptism, even eating of spiritual meat in the chase. 
It became a Spiritual journey!
The will of God is eventually done!
Jonah using his human free will decided to run from God, but ended up in the belly of the fish for three days, which eventually became the type of Jesus’ three days in the grave.
“Now the Lord had prepared a great fish to swallow Jonah. And Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights.”
(Jonah 1:17)
The Lord is always prepared!
He is Omni-Scient, and also Omni-potent to do what he knows, and Omni-present to be where he wants to do what he knows.
He knows, He is, and He can!
Solomon and the Shulamite girl were “just” playing love (in marriage), but eventually ended up a type of the love affair between Christ and the Church.
There is a God that lives beyond the cloud but rules in the affairs of men.
In the previous edition of TheEncounter, The Mysteries of Time and Chance were demystified, we discovered that, “History is His story”.
History has stories of how the blood of Christians have fueled up Revival Fire.
Their martydom eventually brought many to God, even in the days of Emperor Nero.
Dare kill a Christian, and you see fire!
Persecution of the church in Acts of Apostles expanded the Gospel.
They fought the physical church structure, but the true Church exploded!
After every every, God still remains the most high.
Even in the wickedness of Satan and the will of man, God still remains the most high!
Our nation and the world is going through a time of trial,
In Sophia Foundation, we have experienced some unexpected; cancellation of programs we have prepared and spent for – VALUE SYSTEM SUMMIT/THE ENCOUNTER MARCH EDITION,
due to Government’s ban on gatherings because of Coronavirus, and also the passing on to glory of our lovely sister (we feel it so deeply, especially because we are not just a ministry, but a family so knitted together!).
But after all, God remains the most high!
Eventually, we will all discover either here or hereafter, that, “…all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.”
(Romans 8:28)
We may not understand everything, but let’s not claim to try to display Omni-ness.
Let God be God and God alone!
We are not victims!
We are children of the most high God!
We are rising stronger!
Fire will burn!
More fire!
Picture: My life time guys celebrating the most high God!
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