Following the increasing spread of the pandemic in some parts of the country, the State Government is implementing sensitization plans to prevent its spread in Kogi state.

This is a wake up call to shut the doors on the virus that is threatening the globe.
Kogi State Government has already taken proactive steps to ensure we keep our territory safe from the deadly virus. Schools have been shut down and gathering of people in their numbers has been banned and this also include market places. We have also set up a Containment Centre to control the spread of the virus in the State.
We recognize the fact that we live in a world that is highly integrated today. The news of a case in Ekiti State, our next door neighbor has no doubt heightened our action to ensure we have no case in Kogi State.
The Ministry of Information and Communication has yielded its information platforms to the sensitization program as we are also meeting with people to let them know what they need to do to support government’s efforts at curbing the dangerous disease.
We urged religious leaders in the country to pray against the disease, as the pandemic is more dangerous than earlier thought
Kogi State Government will not hesitate to take more stringent steps to keep the people safe from the disease; as anyone who disobeys the social distancing and gathering order will face the full wrath of the law as they will be treated as enemies of the people of Kogi State and those who want to sabotage our efforts at containing the deadly diseases.
It is important to stay a metre away from people with the following symptoms: sneezing, cough and other respiratory disorders. It is advised that we cover our faces with disposable tissue paper while coughing or sneezing and where such is not available, please ensure you pose no danger to the public by sneezing or coughing into flexed elbow all the Dedicated phone numbers from NCDC or KgSMOH.
The global reaction to COVID-19 is novel. From China to the United States, Italy and Nigeria; the world has shown a strong drive to stamp the disease out.
We urge our people to avoid staying in a crowd and to also wash their hands with soap. Hand sanitizers should also be used to boost our resistance to the survival of the virus. Our children should stay at home now that they are not in school as Government would frown at any attempt at congregating pupils and students under any academic guise. We also urge our people to shun fake news and any form of panic as government will constantly brief the people of development on COVID-19 in our commitment to ensure the safety of all Kogites.

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