*Kogi State Delegates and Verdict of Posterity: Barr Babatunde Irukera’s Plea


Compiled by: Theophilus Dada
Never in the political history of Kogi State has this heavy weight of responsibility and discretion thrusted on the shoulders of delegates. The delegates at this auspicious moment in Kogi are at the interception of pandering to unpopular government and standing for the rescue of the state’s destiny. All eyes are on them to reverse the dwindling fortune of the state by their delegating power.
Change of guard is needed in Kogi State to inject new ideas and another set of administrators that will redraw the prosperity plan of the land. Men of steadfastness that will stand and execute the plan with vigour and sincerity. This change of guard is a robust process that delegates first initiate and cue by their roles. The integrity of the delegates and their loyalty to the people are put to test, for in this season, as in the past years, underhand buying and selling do occur where shared fate is mortgage because of immoral inducement.
Delegates, in sincerity should assess the aspirants closely, considering the public pulse to judge and rally around the candidate that will work for the people. Barr Babatunde Ayotunde Irukera stands out in this regard. His qualifications, his capacity, his experiences, his pedigree are knowledge in public domain. Put him side by side with any other aspirant, he dwarfs the aspirant because of the gigantic fate the public has reposed in BAI to become the number one citizen of the state.
Babatunde Irukera is coming to clear the mess of deeply damaged economy of the state. He would put a floor under the crash and begin the long, hard road to recovery and lay the foundation for a modern, well-balanced state economy that will produce accumulated well-being for the citizens. I believe it because Babatunde Irukera’s approach embodies the values, the ideas and the direction Kogi has to take to build the 21st-century version of the Kogi Dream: a state of shared opportunities, shared responsibilities, shared prosperity, and shared sense of community. Kogi State has suffered for too long. We simply cannot afford to give the reins of government to someone who will double down on trickle down.
Babatunde Irukera’s plan will include working on our debt profile, honors our values, brightens the future of our children, our families and our state. It is a lot better to have him on the driver seat of the state.
Delegate names are going down the history has people posterity will adjudicate their roles in the final conditions of the state. If people that should act on our behalf succumb to immoral incentivization to choose obviously failed candidate, they would have fed their stomachs for the moment, but they will not escape guilty haunt for plunging the people into misery. If they stand their ground for the people to subdue the temptation of instant gratification and choose BAI, the delegates would have written their names in gold and eternally itched them in the annals of Kogi State.
BAI is committed to constructive cooperation. He is an idea whose time has come. A technocrat and politician who has no baggage with any opponent, no baggage with government, no baggage through family affiliation, no baggage against accumulated public anger, no impending and possible legal tussle due to running afoul of political and electoral practices.
My fellow Kogites, all of us home and abroad, when we vote in this election, we will be deciding what kind of state we want to live in. If we want a winner-take- all, you-are-on-your-own society, we should support different ticket. If we want a state of shared opportunities and shared responsibility, a we-are-all-in-this-together state, we should vote for BAI. If we want a future of shared prosperity, where the middle class is growing and poverty is declining, Let Babatunde Ayotunde Irukera become the next governor of Kogi State.

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