Dear Mandela,
As the whole world celebrates your life and time today,l wish to thank you for all you did for us in Africa.
You came and you changed the narratives.You became our source of pride and a symbol of freedom for every African.
The 27 years you spent in prison proofed that Africans can stand and fight for what they believe to be true.
When you ruled for just a term and decided to go home, the world began to realize that not all Africans are power hungry.
You became a symbol of African unity. You became a rallying point for all of us.
My country did not seat on the sidelines while your people struggled under apartheid.we did everything humanly possible aside sending solders to South Africa.we spoke and we acted. Your freedom became our obsession.
Because of the black people in south Africa,we risked international economic sanction when we nationalised all major British companies in Nigeria.
Our country went through a lot international challenges for readily giving asylum to freedom fighters from your country.
We nearly ruined the life of our sportsmen for the freedom of your people as we lead the campaign for boycott of the 1972 and 1976 Olympics.
We also snubbed the 1978 commonwealth games. Everyone from your country seeking a safe haven came to Nigeria.
When you came out of prison, you came here to thank us and we were happy to be a part of your struggle.we thought we were brothers,we assumed that we were the same until you left.
Since you left, things are no longer the same.our people who live in your country are treated worse than the white treated you.
At regular intervals xenophobic attacks are carried out against Nigerians .
Nowadays if a Nigerian prospers in business in your he will be attacked.
If he has a combination of the misfortune of looking good, dressing well and having a south African girlfriend he will be tagged a drug peddler.
While South African businesses thrive in Nigeria the prosperity of our people in your country is not freely allowed.
I wish you were here to tell them the truth,I wish you were here to call them to order.maybe you would have sent a message to them to stop killing their brothers from my country.
If reincarnation is a reality please come back as a Nigerian. If it is just an illusion then I hope to see you at the resurrection.
Ifedayo Abegunde
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