“He used me,. I suffered with him. After all I did for him😭😭”

My dear if you did not give him your kidney, sell your father’s land or give him a loan, you did nothing.

That you drank Garri with him, is because you yourself is broke if not, you would have prepared a better food.

That you stayed in the gutters with him is not a sacrifice because if you had a palace , you wouldn’t do that…

About using you, my dear, if it’s mutual, then you shouldn’t say he used you. You both had fun and used yourselves…

The only reason why you feel hurt and left out is because you abandoned yourself in his shadow. You lost yourself in him. While he’s staying up at night to think outside the box, while he’s setting goals and achieving it,you were counting the days, waiting for him to blow/hammer. While he was investing in his future, you left yours stagnant without any meaningful long term plans.

A young guy is struggling to survive, struggling to make it but you will come in form of girlfriend to ask him money for hair, shoes, this that and even pad thereby spending what he’s supposed to be saving and at the end, you wailed on how he used you, on how you suffered with him..

 Whenever I hear this statement;
“I suffered with him when he was broke”

 what comes to this my mind is; “I slept with him for free when he had no money. Now that he’s supposed to be paying, he left me”  🤷. ( I know, my mind is crazy).

My point my dearest sisters is, if you did not contribute anything tangible either in cash, assistance or ideas, anything that is progressive or crucial towards his success, then please don’t play victim.

Times are changing, men are no longer the only ones Winning bread. Women are now bread winners too. So while you are performing wife duties to a single man, please think of your own entity.

Sex is not enough
Love is not a enough.
Have a purpose.gbams.blogspot.com

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