Thursday, 18th July, 2019.

For four years now, the people of Kogi state have been groaning under a draconian leadership. Workers and pensioners are not being paid and virtually, all the sectors are shadows of their former self. Everything is in shambles!

Therefore, the need has now arisen for a leader who has the interest of the people at heart to take over the saddle of leadership so that Kogi people can breathe fresh air once again. They are in dare need of a people centered leader to rescue them from the doldrums.

Fortunately, Senator Dino Melaye representing Kogi west senatorial district has volunteered to embark on the critical mission to rescue the people. It’s going to be an uphill task no doubt, but God who has always been on his side will surely grant him victory.

Dino’s decision is in tandem with the people of Kogi state. In fact it is a response to their distress call for deliverance. They trust him and he has not disappointed them. When the powers that be masterminded his recall, the people expressed their love for him by turning it down. 98 percent of the people refused to vote for it.

The people knew that Senator Dino Melaye is their future governor whom God has ordained to bring them succour and solace in future. Hence they refused  to disgrace him. There is no how the good people of Kogi state would have chosen to obey the whims and caprices of a sadist who transformed into a taskmaster at the expense of a good hearted servant leader like Melaye who would  become their next governor.

The future which the people were envisaging is now. The people’s wish is prevailing as Dino Melaye has bowed to pressure for the critical assignment. All hands must therefore be on deck to actualize this golden wish for Senator Dino Melaye to serve them in the capacity of a governor.

It is so obvious that Dino will not fail the people. Those who think otherwise are out of touch with the reality. Here is a man who has been standing up against injustice and impunity both at the state and the federal level despite concomitant threats to his dear life. He said no to there bribes and inducements offered him to back down. If he could turn down their obscene offer, is it Kogi’s treasury he would tamper with? Not at all!!

Melaye’s driving passion is equity, fairness and social justice. He wants his people to enjoy them as they have been eluding them…. And by God’s grace, he will succeed.

Senator Dino Melaye Sir, I commiserate with you over the demise of your beloved and loving mother whom you gave a befitting and honourable burial few days ago. May the Lord God of Heaven comfort you and grant you the fortitude to bear the loss in Jesus name Amen!

Get ready to take over the Lugard house as the next governor of Kogi State. The people have spoken and divinity has endorsed it!

Emma Nzenwa GOC (Engr) writes from Owerri, Imo State.

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