* Your biggest dream.
* When do you want to achieve it.
* How old will you be then.
* How old are you now.
* How many years do you have left.
* What are your biggest dreams for each year.

* Draw your yearly plan
– January
~ Spirituality
~ Music
– February
~ Spirituality
~ Communication
– and others

Weekly plan
– Monday
~ Work
– Tuesday
~ Prayer meeting
– Wednesday
~ Training
– Thursday
~ Fasting and prayer
– and others

Daily plan
* Devotion
* Prayer
* Studies
* Lectures

Areas to work on
* Bible study
* Prayers
* Public speaking/communication
* Relationships
* Music
* Fashion
* Health

How to achieve them
* Bible study
– Studying a specific number of chapters daily or textural or character study.
– Jotting your discoveries
– Discussing your discoveries with like-minds.
– Attend group Bible study meetings

* Prayers
– Have a deliberate number of hours or duration for prayer
– Have a specific prayer request and seek for the answers.
– Study books on prayer.
– Attend corporate prayer meetings.

* Public speaking
– Study books on public speaking.
– Going for Evangelism
– Contributing in public group discussion
– Practising public speaking privately (you could do it before mirror).

* Relationships
– Learn relationship principles (read on it).
– Enrich your personal network (establish relationship with those at the top, at your level, and coming up).

* Music
– Learn music theories
– Rehearsals
– Learn instruments

* Fashion
– Learn fashion
– Design your wardrobe plan

* Health
– Learn personal health management
– Plan your feeding (eating fruits…)
– Going for a checkup

* Career
As student;
– Getting your textbooks and handouts.
– Study through each of them.
– Get questions from each topic and answer them.
As a Worker;
– Further your study
– Add more necessary skills.

* Finance
– Learn financial management/intelligence.
– Draw an income/expenditure financial budget.
– Increase your sources of income.

* Assign assignment to each month and day.
* Write a summary of your studies.
* Buy or download at least a major book on every area of development.
* Conduct a daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly Selfapraisal.

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